International Christian Fellowship (ICF) was founded in September 14, 2001, and is a Christian student group located in San Diego, California. Our mission at ICF is to create a welcoming, warm environment and to be a family to all students and those who are looking for how exactly God fits into everything. ICF is currently supported by College Avenue Baptist Church and the International Christian Church of San Diego,
and the International Student Inc.  

We have many students from UC San Diego, San Diego State University, and local San Diego community colleges! We also have many young professionals who are just beginning their careers or are a few years into their career. 

Meet The Team

Freddy Oei -- Ministry Leader

My name is Freddy, I was an international student from Indonesia in 1985. When I got here, life was very lonely and difficult because I was far from my family and I didn't have much support in my personal needs, school and life in the US. Until I met ICF in 1987 -- through ICF I learned about community, family and God, which by the Grace of God, and Ron and Elaine Stone, God give us the opportunity to lead ICF in San Diego in 2001. Since that time, ICF has become a home for International students where they find their community, family and place where they can experience God's love as a big family in the US.


Wednesday Night Caregroup

Every Wednesday @ 730PM

Here, we dive into the Bible and ask the real questions -- we investigate for the truth and discuss what it means to be a Christian.

*currently online on Zoom

Friday Night Fellowship

Every Friday @ 745PM 

Every Friday Night, we have a short message followed with group activities and a time for closer fellowship. 

*currently online on Zoom 




International Christian Fellowship

400 Mission Hills Court, San Marcos, CA 92069



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